Cibt visa photo tool
Cibt visa photo tool

cibt visa photo tool cibt visa photo tool

Student Blogs Hear from Wildcats all around the world as they study abroad.Connect with Students Contact former and current study abroad students to learn more about your program.Program Evaluations Access Northwestern students' unfiltered feedback on the program(s) you're interested in.Identity Abroad Consider aspects of your identity and how these may be perceived in other cultures.Learn about the differences between program types. Explore Programs Find the global program that best fits your needs.Money Management Learn different methods and tips to make payments, spend wisely, and access money abroad.Billing & Payments Learn about program costs, payment deadlines and withdrawal policies.Budgeting & Planning Budget for pre-departure expenses and get tips and tools to help you prior to departure.Scholarships & Funding Explore scholarships as well as additional funding options.Financial Aid Review the financial aid process for summer and academic year study abroad.

cibt visa photo tool

Costs & Fees Review program costs and administrative fees.GLObal Gateway Explore programs and access the application.Parent & Family Resources Access resources to learn more about Northwestern study abroad and support your student's global learning goals.Return Home Review the credit transfer process and learn about the re-entry experience.Stay Connected Learn about the next steps to prepare for your return to campus or extend your term abroad.Prepare and Go Complete steps to prepare for your program and departure.You've Applied.Now What? Work on steps to prepare for study abroad while your application is being reviewed.Apply Complete the Northwestern study abroad application.Academic Planning Learn about transferable study abroad courses, earning credit and impact on your NU GPA.Get Started Review program types, costs, eligibility and schedule to meet with an adviser.Global Engagement Studies Institute (GESI).

Cibt visa photo tool